Do You Know the Symptoms of Car Battery Failure?

We all have become very much dependant on our gadgets. Especially a car is an indispensable part of our lives. Our lives revolve around either planning to a car or around comfortable commutation in our cars. Therefore, reliable and lost lasting working is paramount for a comfortable living.

A car battery is the lifeline of the vehicle. All the gadgets and working of the car are purely dependant on the smooth working of the battery. It’s imperative to monitor the lifespan of a battery before checking the symptoms for battery failure.

The primary signs of a bad car battery are stated below:

·       Cranking inefficiency: The engine cranks but doesn’t start. This is the most common problem to gauge the working of the battery. A little test will testify the doubt. When you find that your engine is not starting, use jumper cables to start it initially. Once the car is running again, disconnect the cable and run for 30 mins. Then stop and check for the start again. If it doesn’t start in the first go again, it means that your battery needs replacement.

·      Dimming of the lights: It is the most straightforward test to ensure whether the battery is dying or not. Your battery powers all the accessories and lights in your car, when the alternator is not running. So, if your car just seems to be going out of lights, then your battery is the first thing you should be looking at.

·       Cold-cranking: The power to give the first start to the car, in the morning, is known as cold-cranking. It might be an initial sign of dying out of your battery. Generally, people miss out on these signs, but this can be an early sign of saving you from bigger impact later.

·       Already been jumped a lot: If you have to jump your vehicle more than three times in a week, then your battery needs replacement.

·       Battery doesn’t keep up: Battery dies within 15–30 mins of sitting with engine off & radio/access.
Batteries normally have a maximum life expectancy of three to five years, best told and testified by the manufacturers. 

Optimally, you should replace your battery every two and a half years or so—before you have problems. So, if you are planning to replace your battery after reading this, then please note that Livguard is the leading brand for efficient and robust car batteries. They provide batteries with good cranking power and great warranty life. The website of the company offers easy steps to locate the dealers near you. It is a one-stop solution for all your battery needs.

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